Friday, 31 July 2015


It is better to search for a resolution, rather than being exhausted every time. Complex set-ups in industries, can make you feel panic, and can lose your liveliness and time.

To be free from all these, you must take help of the latest technologies like Conveyor systems. As, these create simplicity in tasks, by carrying these loads, by their hi-tech system, and placing these, at suitable spaces.

Proper survey and time is needed in choosing conveyors, as wrong ones can cause, fatal injuries to lives and systems.

Trimech India, provides utmost conveyor systems in India, which are designed and manufactured in different ways, for controlling surplus loads.

Take your time, and have a gaze on some of conveyors, by Trimech:
Belt conveyors: If you have systems, which needs goods continually, then these can be used. As, these have the art of using frictional force, which allows constant transfer, without any stoppage. These contain belts, which makes them agile, and maintenance free.

Screw conveyors: These contain screws, which allow movement of goods, in all directions smoothly. These are most reasonable. These can be used in chilling, warming, air locking etc.
Drag chain conveyors: If you want to transfer supplies, which are not very far, then these can be used. These have plus point, that their speed is quickest, as they carry and move materials, at 25feet per minute, in straight and inclined directions. They can carry all rough, smooth form of materials.

Pneumatic conveyors: Most flexible type of conveyors are these, available with lowered operating costs, and added advantages. These are lithe, as sometimes uses suspension lines, for moving diluted supplies, and sometimes work as full bore plugs.

Don’t feel confused, on choosing the type of conveyor.

Connect with us online, and we will help you in sorting, the right conveyors. 

Wednesday, 29 July 2015


Industries need perfect measures, for remaining in good conditions, with proper surroundings. There should be a well maintained cleaning process, which can help in routine cleaning, and removing unwanted impurities, generated from industrial operations.

Bag filters are the preferred systems, which can be used for eliminating, dust of any kind, present in gases. These are called dust collectors also, as these collects all the impurities, using efficient filters, and removes them from the root.

There are different varieties of bag filters like:
Reverse Pulse jet type: These are able to provide, uninterrupted procedures effortlessly. These are easy to fix, and uphold.

Cyclone dust collectors: These are used, if you want to eliminate heavy dust and unwanted impurities. These work using centrifugation, by creating a waterspout.

You should go for selecting bag filters of your choice, but it’s better to check these points, for getting a reliable bag filter manufacturer:

  • It must provide bag filters, with proper hardiness and rich finishing
  • Dimensions must be accurate for the bag filters, which cannot create problem in near future
  • Must be efficiently, operable and functional, without being disturbed
  • Should definitely enhance efficiency of your processes 
  • Should be risk free, and must provide hygienic environment, full of safety
  • Must not charge high prices 
  • Should contain longer life, with proper guarantee period
  • It is necessary to note, that when the bag life has started? Whether instantly, or when you purchased it, or after some week or month? Or, when it was organised?
  • Type of guarantee offered, i. e. full, or is distributed as per the value.
Providing safety and good warranty, are the core values of Trimech India, most eminent bag filtermanufacturer and supplier.

Ordering from us is most easy, just visit our website, and update your requirements, we will get back to you instantly.

Friday, 24 July 2015


Conveying system has freed industries, from the problem of handling loads. As, these are capable of carrying all types of loads, in different industries, depending upon their strength to carry, how much load, and which category of load.
You can select the conveyors, as per your work and choice, at your budget. Major two categories of conveying systems, are mechanical conveying system and Pneumatic conveying systems. And, their speciality is that, they both have different other ranges of conveyors, as their sub category.

Pneumatic conveying systems are most popular, due their unique benefits and features like: Enhanced operability, Energy efficiency, Constancy, Agility and much more.
There are two types of pneumatic conveying systems, knows as dilute phase and dense phase conveying systems.

Dilute phase system: This helps dilute materials to pass through pipelines, having suspension, for smooth flow.

Dense phase system: This allow supplies to flow, just like full bore plugs, which are mostly disconnected from air bags.

You can choose the most appropriate conveying system, if you have the proper knowledge about following points, and if you keep these in mind, while buying:
  1. Firstly, you must confirm the type of supply to be carried, as per: size, dimension, shape, solidity, moisture content, roughness, harmfulness, melting point, etc. 
  2. Then, it is important to check, whether it will be easily installed, and well fitted at your plant. 
  3. It must deliver supplies at the required rate of transfer. 
  4. It is to be checked whether it requires pressure or vacuum. Vacuum is required, when materials are tightly packed, and are toxic in nature. As, it does not release any air, during transfer, like pressure.
There are various pneumatic conveying suppliers, available nowadays.

But, choose Trimech, most reliable pneumatic conveying manufacturer, who produces worthy systems, well suited for your industries.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015


Everyone in this era, are aware about the importance and practicality of Oxygen gas, and cannot refuse to accept it. Oxygen gas is the chief element for survival, and also for carrying out, most of the procedures and systems effectively.

You can use Oxygen for:
  • Carrying out various chemical, medical and industrial dealings.
  • Forming different acids like nitric, sulphuric etc.
  • Performing operations related to metals like welding, cutting, melting etc.
But, it is not too easy to get the pure Oxygen. As, the environment consists of Oxygen, as well as Nitrogen gases. Nitrogen is in the higher percentage than Oxygen.

So, for getting pure Oxygen Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)method is followed, which is considered most perfect, for separating Nitrogen and Oxygen gases, and getting the pure Oxygen gases.

Pressure dropping valves are also used, for setting various pressure levels, and for dispensing Oxygen, to various end customers.

You should always be wise in choosing the best Oxygen plant, from the best manufacturer and supplier of it. Trimech has made you fortunate, by producing accurate oxygen gas plants, with following attributes:
  • Entirely Automated system.
  • Oxygen production at all times.
  • Attains right due point, by its distinguished air dryers, having other benefits also.
  • Gives 2 years services for free.
  • You can get unadulterated Oxygen at 92 – 95%.
  • Anyone can easily install it, with easiest methods.
  • You don’t have to spend your time, for maintaining it, as it is maintenance free.
  • Offers two automation 1w + 1s for better results.
  • Bypass arrangement is possible through it, as it contains efficient rotameter.

Make your life easy, by getting effortlessness and doubled efficiency, in your all operations, by buying safe oxygen plants from us.

Order online your requirements, at Trimech website

Friday, 10 July 2015


Have you ever heard about air dryers?

For carrying out procedures smoothly, industries use compressed air, for differentiated purposes. Compressed air helps positively, but also contains water in form of liquid water, mist, vapours or impurities, which causes pollution in industries, leading to unhygienic environment.
It is mandatory to remove this water from compressed air, which can anytime lead to corrosion, or non-working of pneumatic systems, which can lead to huge loses.
For this purpose, Trimech manufactures best quality of air dryers, which are used for removing all the impurities present in compressed air. You can find a series of air dryers, with different features and benefits.

One of the most beneficial category of air dryers is Refrigerated air dryers. These are adjustable with any amount of capacity. And, helps in removing moisture, by lowering the temperatures.

Briefly understand the working of refrigerated air dryers:
Firstly, the compressed air is cooled sufficiently, using the air – to – air heat exchanger. This heat exchanger pre cools the incoming air, for the purpose of condensing moisture content. Then, air-to-refrigerant exchanger is used for cooling the air, by using liquid refrigerant. Lastly, moisture which is left out, is reduced into a liquid, and is drained out from the system properly.

Extraordinary features of Refrigerator dryers:
  • Contains negligible Purgative Loss
  • Helps in drying lubricated air
  • Adjustable with different capacities
  • Performs easy Non Cyclic operation
  • Available with Low operating cost
  • Prevents unwanted noise
  • Contains electronic control system as well as LED display facility
Impurities can definitely lead to failure of your equipment’s. And, can indulge you in heavy maintenance and repairs, with money losses.

If you, want to be prevented from all these, then order refrigerated air dryers, with low operating cost from Trimech, best refrigerant dryer manufacturer and supplier, and relieve yourselves from stress.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015


Don’t you think it is important, to maintain safe and hygienic environment, for better living?
Of course, it is the genuine fact, that if you will not keep your surroundings clean, then it will ultimately harm you, in all the ways.

Industries possessing various chemical and industrial operations, needs a better mechanism, for being protected from pollutants.

Dust collectors have solved this purpose, by giving its efficient method, for removing dirt and pollutants, easily from the industries. It uses programmed vacuuming system, and works continuously with the schedule of compressed air, allowing constant cleaning of filter rows, through a pulse.

Pulse jet collectors are used for supplying the constant movement of air needed for working, by exerting force between both dirty and clean sides of filter.

You may find different types of Pulse jet filters, which can be beneficial in many ways:

Reverse pulse jet type: These are prepared from good quality materials, and are used where continuous movement of air is needed for functioning, without any hindrances.

  • Compact
  • Provides user friendly installation and handling 
  • Doesn’t require much maintenance
  • Contains longer life 
  • Operable with both bag-type units as well as cartridge-type units
Cyclone dust collectors: These have their specialty in the industries, containing huge amount of dust and pollutants. These use centrifugation mechanism, where a mixture of air, first enters the cyclone and helps in creating water spout for efficient cleaning.

  • Simple and efficient
  • Works using magnitude and not filters
  • Inexpensive
Prevent yourself from buying faulty systems which can create tragedies.

Always contact Trimech Company, supplying the superior dust collectors with inexpensive rates and prime quality.

We will provide ongoing support and guidance to you before and after your purchasing. Anytime contact us online at our website

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